

HaslerRail has been supplying speed indicators and data recording systems to the rail industry since 1887. Today, HaslerRail’s optical and contact-free CORRail®1000 speed sensor is unparalleled in terms of accuracy, precision and availability.

HaslerRail developed the optical and contact-free CORRail®1000 speed sensor to deliver track-bed independent direct measurement of a rail vehicle’s speed and direction. The technology behind the CORRail®1000 is known as Spatial Filtering Velocimetry and is neither affected by slip & slide effects nor by the wearing of the wheels as pulse generators are.

Using the railhead as reference makes the CORRail®1000 speed sensor outperforming microwave based sensors (= no calibration shift due to changing surfaces on the track-bed). By scanning the railhead’s microstructure with its high resolution the CORRail®1000 speed sensor’s accuracy and precision are unrivalled in its class. At the same time, the CORRail®1000’s signal processing only introduces a constant latency of 40ms and provides information about signal quality for each speed reading.

The patented splash guard assures reliable results even under the harshest environmental conditions. The CORRail®1000 is proven in use: Availabilities of >99.5% are reached even the CORRail®1000 is being in operation for months.

The CORRail®1000 is designed to deliver an objective measurement of longitudinal dynamics for the following applications:

– Drive Systems: True speed over ground, Acceleration, Wheel slip
– Measurement of braking distance: Navigation/Positioning
  • Ausrüstung für die Eisenbahnverkehrssteuerung
  • Zugüberwachungssystem
  • Swissrail Industry Association
  • Taubenstrasse 32
  • CH-3011 Bern

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