Schweizer Electronic AG

Radio warning system Minimel Lynx

Mobile radio warning system to secure railway construction sites

The Minimel Lynx warning system warns people in the vicinity of the track of approaching trains. When used as a "Lookout Operated Warning System" (LOWS), the detection of train movements by persons (pre-warners) is done manually. The HSF-L handheld transmitter reports the detected train to the EZE control centre, which triggers the acoustic and visual warning. The departure of the train from the construction site is also acknowledged manually at the EZE control unit and the warning is cancelled.

Minimel Lynx is used as a LOWS on construction sites with small dimensions, such as maintenance work, moving construction sites, vegetation maintenance or switch conversions.
  • Surveillance and security systems and devices
  • Swissrail Industry Association
  • Taubenstrasse 32
  • CH-3011 Bern

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